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We are Giorgia and Carla, two licensed tour guides born and raised in Sardinia and graduated in Japanese.
Since 2014, we’ve been working as tour guides for Japanese people who want to discover Sardinia, an astonishing and charming island in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea.
Being able to count on a local guide who can speak your own language, guide you and suggest the best places to visit during your holiday, will guarantee a more authentic travel experience, as opposed to the standardized holiday packages.
For this reason, in the past years, more than 2000 Japanese people have chosen Sardiniatabi for their trips to Sardinia.

Guided by our passion for Sardinia, we offer a wide range of experiences to let you know Sardinia in a more intimate and engaging way. Even if we are deeply focused on our core business, We are always glad to hear from people who need our support to build an amazing Sardinia experience.

“This land resembles no other place. Sardinia is something else.”

These words were written at the beginning of the ‘900 by the English writer David Herbert Lawrence and, perhaps, they are the first words we should use to introduce Sardinia to those who don’t know it.
As Lawrence said: If you decide to come here, you will find a place you have never seen before.
Sardinia can be described as an open-air museum, with more than 7000 Nuragic towers – the mysterious prehistoric cone-shaped buildings dating back to 3,500 years ago that you can find only here – and several other ancient monuments like the colossal Giant’s tombs, the ancient burial sites Domus de Janas, and menhir spread all over the island and witnessing a unique civilization.

Besides the richness of its nature – here you can find the deepest Canyon in Europe and one of the most beautiful sea of the world – what makes this land such a charming destination for a traveller, is that you can still appreciate the traces of an ancient past: from the cuisine to traditional clothes, from Sardinian language to folk music, from the typical jewels to the unique Byssus production.

Surprisingly, Sardinia and Japan are connected by a mysterious thread: along with the archipelago of Okinawa, Sardinia is one of the Blue Zones areas with the highest percentage of people who are 100 years old or more. Their longevity is to be found in the combination of important factors like healthy diet, clean air and water, physical activity and culture.


Carla Deidda
Giorgia Cesaracciu

Sardinia, Italy

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    We are Giorgia and Carla, two licensed tour guides born and raised in Sardinia and graduated in Japanese.
    Since 2014, we’ve been working as tour guides for Japanese people who want to discover Sardinia, an astonishing and charming island in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea.
    Being able to count on a local guide who can speak your own language, guide you and suggest the best places to visit during your holiday, will guarantee a more authentic travel experience, as opposed to the standardized holiday packages.
    For this reason, in the past years, more than 2000 Japanese people have chosen Sardiniatabi for their trips to Sardinia.

    Guided by our passion for Sardinia, we offer a wide range of experiences to let you know Sardinia in a more intimate and engaging way. Even if we are deeply focused on our core business, We are always glad to hear from people who need our support to build an amazing Sardinia experience.

    “This land resembles no other place. Sardinia is something else.”

    These words were written at the beginning of the ‘900 by the English writer David Herbert Lawrence and, perhaps, they are the first words we should use to introduce Sardinia to those who don’t know it.
    As Lawrence said: If you decide to come here, you will find a place you have never seen before.
    Sardinia can be described as an open-air museum, with more than 7000 Nuragic towers – the mysterious prehistoric cone-shaped buildings dating back to 3,500 years ago that you can find only here – and several other ancient monuments like the colossal Giant’s tombs, the ancient burial sites Domus de Janas, and menhir spread all over the island and witnessing a unique civilization.

    Besides the richness of its nature – here you can find the deepest Canyon in Europe and one of the most beautiful sea of the world – what makes this land such a charming destination for a traveller, is that you can still appreciate the traces of an ancient past: from the cuisine to traditional clothes, from Sardinian language to folk music, from the typical jewels to the unique Byssus production.

    Surprisingly, Sardinia and Japan are connected by a mysterious thread: along with the archipelago of Okinawa, Sardinia is one of the Blue Zones areas with the highest percentage of people who are 100 years old or more. Their longevity is to be found in the combination of important factors like healthy diet, clean air and water, physical activity and culture.